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It is a legislative requirement that all our employees and contractors know and understand their Access and Inclusion responsibilities.

As outlined in our Access and Inclusion Plan (AIP) we are committed to ensuring:

  • our services, information, facilities and events are accessible to the whole community
  • a high standard of service is provided to all of our customers
  • complaints from any person are fully investigated and the outcome is conveyed in an accessible format
  • all people have the opportunity and are encouraged to participate in public consultations.

Where contractors provide a direct service to the public on our behalf, these services are to be conducted consistent with our DAIP:

The DAIP is a key element of the Water Scores Benchmarking Program.

Access and inclusion online course

This course provides an increased awareness and understanding of our Access and Inclusion Plan, Access and Inclusion Policy and the Internal Action Plan. To participate in this course please contact the AIP Coordinator.

AIP Coordinator

For enquiries on issues concerning Access and Inclusion, contractors and contract managers can contact the AIP Coordinator on or call (08) 9423 2228.